Of course, school also means bonding again with my clique. :) & Im really a muddlehead. Felt so bad losing the cable for Harald's camera. I have to say that it is officially like missing since I cannot find it. Can't believe it when I never touched the cable and it was just laying motionlessly in my bag.. unless.. it has.. legs? Eh, what rubbish! The whole conversation with him was really retarded.
Harald: Just now your sister tell me she cannot find the cable.
Me: Really? You sure not?
Harald: Ya she say one.
Me: Wah lao. I just checked like don't have leh.
Harald: WTH -.-
Me: Nvm, I go search again later. Anyway, how much is the cable? (*thinking that is was cheap)
Harald: Ex la. 500 bucks.
Me: You sure not?
Harald: YES. That's how much my trust is worth.
I was just wondering how come the cable is worth 500 bucks and I just ignored the 'that's how much my trust is worth' part. Wahhh, it was super retarded. I was really worried and I went to ask Twinnie and Ali if there could be a possibility that a cable was 500 bucks. I eat into his rubbish can. I believed Harald's crap.
Okok enough of that. Sam baby has been missing school. Glad to hear that she's ok already :) Sprained my ankle like when school started on Monday. First day and I've got a present for attending school for the first day, & its the sprain. Haha. It was reatrded. I don't wanna say here la.
Anyway, today was kind of good. Ali, Jane, Gloria and me were in the same lecture room. Had Penne Cabonara for lunch @ Bistro's. Those who have not tried yet, PLS GO OK. ITS GOOD! Not excluding the pumpkin soup too :D I was full to the max! Great thing was, Gloria and Ali were in the same tutorial group and Ali won't be alone! Not forgetting Jane being in the same tutorial room as me! I think it's really great how we are like so fated to be friends! Same empire, same cca now same tutorials and lec!

Pumpkin Soup

Penne Cabonara
Lec was ok la, although it kind of got a little dry. Then came to tutorial. Was a little boring because had to run through normal administrative stuff. Jane and I were like super bored until we came to the introduction, felt myself getting hyped up! There were like 2 Arsenal supporters from what I know! Haha. 1 Man Utd supporter and yeap, the only Liverpool supporter was me! Or maybe there is la but he or she didnt say. Haha. Anyway, we had some rules! Thanks to some guy who mentioned we should have breaks! I was just wondering if he could say to have a break in every 15 mins. Haha. 1 break is 5 mins la. Tutorials are on going for 2 hours. Left early and I don't know who will be my project mates. Really hope they aren't those kind who bo chap. But whatever it is, I leave it into God's hands la.
Ali and I accompanied Qian to her dental appointment. Checked out the movie timings for Butterfly Lovers but there wasn't any and the other timings were all late! So we decided not to watch any and I suggested to slack at Macs. Had Cheeseburger for like part of my dinner. We slacked from 4.30pm all the way till 6.30pm. Haha. It was a fun time la, sitting there. We were just chatting about things we want to share about and some things that have been happening. Really felt even more bonded with Qian. To ali, aiya, we bond like damn alot liao. haha. Eh, but of course got bond with her la. She's forever retarded. Right my retarded friend? :D Anyway, it was really fun hanging out with them.

Then, we accompanied Ali to Taka for her mum's JewelFest. Everybody were wearing like dresses and dressing up really formally while I was in there with my jacket, shorts and slippers. -.- I was super paiseh about it because it was like Im so informal. Haha. 3 of us didnt know that it was this formal. There was a fashion show but we didn't catch it because we felt really weird inside so we headed off to Pepper Lunch with Uncle Kenny and Aunt Janet. Uncle Kenny as usual la, talking all his funny stuff and Aunt Janet telling us many stuffs as well. Then we went off to some place, I FORGOT THE PLACE! Lol. Anyway, it was filled with Hello Kitty stuff. Immediatly, I called Sam la. I wanted to tell her what I was looking at now! She was sure to go crazy over everything! & of course, they things there aren't fake! I saw this cute cake pan where you ca like fry your pancakes into Hello Kitty shapes. CUTE RIGHT? The bento boxes they were selling were super kawaii too! There were many cool stuff la! Sam will really go crazy, Im sure of that!
After walking around, Eliza popped out all of a sudden! Hahaha. She was with her classmates la. Her jacket's so cool! You can zip it all the way up to your head! We wanted to trick her into zipping it all the way and running off! But we couldn't because the zip stucked at her nose! ahahhaa. Super funny la! Then Alicia tried so Qian and me were getting ready to run off la! The jacket was super big! Eliza was saying that it was some guy's size la! haha. Then Ali zipped all the way to her head then Qian and me zoomed off. HAHA! Bid goodbye to Eliza then we headed to the car. Thanks Uncle Kenny for sending me home! :)
Had a fun time in the car la! It was super hilarious when Ali was like imitating that retarded voice. I think its really retarded. okok, its not a THINK it should be, IT ISSSSS a retarded voice. I cannot stand it. I was laughing really really hard. Qian and me were trying to ignore her but I cannot because she cannot stop making that retarded voice. Qian can tahan sia. Not bad, BUT I CANNOT. I laughed all the way home can! As I left the car, the retarded Ali was shouting out of the car window, "EM, HAPPY DEEPAVALI!" -.- I was like OK! Then she didn't stop, "EM, BYEBYE!! BYEBYE!!" I saw someone familiar la, I think is Ivan, my primary school bus friend. He was laughing la! I was so paiseh. I was like, "Okok, BYEBYE!" and laughing all the way up to my level.
People, help to support Amanda Lee Lee Hui in the Hey Gorgeous event ok! Vote her! :) Thank you! I really had a fun time with my jie meis. They were great la! Haha. Sharing our stuff was the best! Hope to have that more often. :) & next time to include RURU TOO! or Sam! Alright, take care everybody. Emerlyn the laughing girl is tired. Oh ya, you all can go and try this game http://www.hotel626.com/ it's fun! :) Ohoh, it's a scary game la, but if you're a real MAN or WOMAN, why not right? Haha. Try la. Its not bad, the graphic is cool :D Sayonnara!

Simple words cannot describe my guilt.
I choose to not do anything now.
All I can do is let you get up on your own.
I have to leave my hands out of it.
You might think Im not bothered by any of it.
It's up to you to think.
Im just really sorry.
Labels: BFFs